Mano existe una herramienta sync o imapsync (debian) una vez instalado
creas un script puede ser este:
# $Id:,v 1.6 2015/11/04 18:23:04 gilles Exp gilles $
# Example for imapsync massive migration on Unix systems.
# See also
# Data is supposed to be in file.txt in the following format:
# host001_1;user001_1;password001_1;host001_2;user001_2;password001_2;
# ...
# Separator is character semi-colon ";" it can be changed by any
character changing IFS=';'
# in the while loop below.
# # Each line contains 6 columns, columns are parameter values for
# --host1 --user1 --password1 --host2 --user2 --password2
# and a trailing empty fake column to avaid CR LF part going
# in the 6th parameter password2. Don't forget the last semicolon.
# You can add extra options after the variable "$@"
# Use character backslash \ at the end of each suplementary line, except
for the last one.
# You can also pass extra options via the parameters of this script since
# they will be in "$@"
# The credentials filename "file.txt" used for the loop can be renamed
# by changing "file.txt" below.
echo Looping on account credentials found in file.txt
{ while IFS=';' read h1 u1 p1 h2 u2 p2 fake
{ echo "$h1" | egrep "^#" ; } > /dev/null && continue # this
skip commented lines in file.txt
echo "==== Starting imapsync from host1 $h1 user1 $u1 to host2
$h2 user2 $u2 ===="
imapsync --authmech1 LOGIN --host1 "$h1" --ssl1 --port1 993
--user1 "$u1" --password1 "$p1" \
--authmech1 LOGIN --host2 "$h2" --ssl2 --port2 993
--user2 "$u2" --password2 "$p2" \
--noauthmd5 --nosyncacls --syncinternaldates
--allowsizemismatch "$@"
echo "==== Ended imapsync from host1 $h1 user1 $u1 to host2 $h2
user2 $u2 ===="
} < file.txt
Una vez puesto esto creas un fichero con el nombre file.txt con la
siguiente sintaxy
Si tienes pocos usuarios lo puedes hacer.
El 04/02/2019 a las 11:32, escribió:
Hola comunidad actualmente tengo un servidor de correo en zentyal y deseo
migrar los buzones de correo a iredmail(ya tengo mi nuevo servidor funcionando)
lo que necesito es copiar hacia el la información de cada una de las cuentas
(contactos,bandeja de entrada , enviados ,etc). En ambos casos utilizo como
webmail a SOGo.
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