On 5/16/16, Pablo Mestre <pabl...@ucpejv.rimed.cu> wrote:
> Hola,
> Aca te dejo algunos enlaces con todos los detalles del evento.
> http://gutl.jovenclub.cu/cubaconf-software-libre-marcha-con-cuba/
> http://gutl.jovenclub.cu/cubaconf-lo-que-sucedio-en-imagenes/
> http://gutl.jovenclub.cu/jovenes-abren-mas-ventanas-al-software-libre-en-cuba/
> http://gutl.jovenclub.cu/por-primera-vez-en-cuba/
> http://blog.mapillary.com/update/2016/05/11/bike-month.html
> http://humanos.uci.cu/2016/04/ya-estamos-en-cubaconf-2016/
> http://humanos.uci.cu/2016/04/segunda-jornada-del-cubaconf-2016/
> http://humanos.uci.cu/2016/04/concluyo-el-cubaconf-2016/
> https://www.cubaoutsource.com/mapbox-will-sponsor-cubaconf#sthash.OlwCgrpC.08fEoICF.dpbs

La PSF también ha mencionado el evento en un artículo reciente .


Ya sé , ya sé ... para los q no tienen intezné ... en inglés


  News from the Python Software Foundation
Friday, May 13, 2016

 Python and Open Source Alive and Well in Havana, Cuba

 I recently had the amazing opportunity to travel to Havana, Cuba to
attend several free software events. My partner, David Mertz, was
invited to talk at a meet-up of open-software developers and to
present at the International Conference of Free Software sponsored by
the Grupo de Usarios de Technologias Libres.

 On my first day in Cuba, I attended the tenth "Encuentro Social de
Desarrolladores." This group, a regular meet-up of open-software
developers, just last month held the first "PyDay Havana." At the
meeting I attended, approximately 70 people gathered at a local Havana
restaurant, La Casa de Potin. I was told that more people were
interested in attending, but the space was limited so advance
registration was cut off at 70. Several members of the enthusiastic
crowd sported PyCon T-shirts--many from PyCon Montreal, perhaps as one
could expect, but one from as far back as PyCon Chicago in 2009
("elegance begets simplicity"). Clearly, this group has been using
Python for quite awhile.

 I met some wonderful people there: not only Olemis Lang and Medardo
Antonio Rodriguez, members of the PSF’s Python-Cuba Work Group with
whom I had been in touch previously, but also entrepreneurs and
developers who regularly use free software. Justin, a graduate student
in Astronomy at Yale, is spending several months in Cuba on a research
project using Python.

 Another new connection I made is Abel Meneses Abad, a Computer
Science professor at Central University of Las Villas in Santa Clara,
Cuba. He told me about his use of Python with his students in
Linguistics and his desire to share his experiences and get input from
the larger Python community. We should be hearing more from him in the

 The agenda for the meet-up included talks by Olemis Lang on Brython
(and how to sign up for a Brython sprint to be held at the next week’s
CubaCon) and by David Mertz on functional programming in Python.

David Mertz talks about functional programming in Python

Medardo and Stripe Atlas reps address the meet-up

 But the talk that garnered the most discussion was a presentation
given by Medardo Rodriguez from Merchise Start-Ups how to start an
online business. He was joined by representatives from the San
Francisco-based company Stripe, which provides payment processing and
business services for start-ups. Their newly launched service Stripe
Atlas helps foreign online businesses incorporate in Delaware, MD,
enabling them to take advantage of the well-developed business
infrastructure in the U.S.

 The overall mood of the meet-up was incredibly optimistic–surely a
foreshadowing of the positive changes about to take place for Cuban
software developers as more intercourse develops with the rest of the
world and especially with the U.S. This is a community poised to grow,
and I am beyond thrilled that the PSF will be a part of this.
I would love to hear from readers. Please send feedback, comments, or
blog ideas to me at msu...@gnosis.cx.



Olemis - @olemislc

Apache™ Bloodhound contributor

Brython committer

Blog ES: http://simelo-es.blogspot.com/
Blog EN: http://simelo-en.blogspot.com/

Featured article:

Lista de correos del Grupo de Usuarios de Tecnologías Libres de Cuba.

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