El 26/11/15 a las 10:02, Servilio Afre Puentes escribió:
On Wed, Nov 25 2015, Raphael Burquet wrote:

please si alguien tiene alguna doc y/o pdf

me lo pueda enviar al pv

se lo agradeceria de antemano...

estoy a 700 km de la capital

Si tienes Debian, ya está en los repos (al menos de testing/unstable):

$ apt-cache search ansible
ansible - Configuration management, deployment, and task execution system
ansible-fireball - Ansible fireball transport support
ansible-node-fireball - Ansible fireball transport support for nodes
python-reclass - hierarchical inventory backend for configuration management 
reclass - hierarchical inventory backend for configuration management systems
reclass-doc - reclass documentation


En Debian Jessie está incluido en los repositorios:

$ apt-cache search ansible
ansible - Configuration management, deployment, and task execution system
ansible-doc - Ansible documentation and examples
ansible-fireball - Ansible fireball transport support
ansible-node-fireball - Ansible fireball transport support for nodes
python-reclass - hierarchical inventory backend for configuration management systems reclass - hierarchical inventory backend for configuration management systems
reclass-doc - reclass documentation

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