El 02/10/2015 a las 17:32, Gabriel Agramonte Samper escribió:
Buenas Tarde a todos,
Tengo un problema con el DKIM...
Yo tengo instalado el IredMail 0.9.0 ... que es mi server de correo...
pero el dns no lo tengo en mi server , sino mi proveedor de dominio...
revise el registro de DNS y alli esta creado un DKIM key que no es el
que me genero mi server de correo.. es decir no coenciden ambos...
y algunos dominios que se envian correos me da este error...
Alguna sugerencia por favor...
*napo2.ecuahosting.net rejected your message to the following email
Your message couldn't be delivered because the recipient's email system
reported the following error: '550-DKIM: encountered the following
problem validating dinforsysmega.com: 550 pubkey_unavailable'. It's
possible it's a temporary issue with their email system. Try to resend
the message. If the problem continues, contact the recipient by some
other means (by phone for example) and ask them to tell their email
admin about the problem. Be sure to give them the error above, as it
will better help them diagnose the problem.
For Email Administrators
This error is being returned by the recipient's email system but it
doesn't include a valid, specific, enhanced SMTP status code, making it
difficult to assess exactly what the problem is. Please carefully
examine the error reported by the recipient's email system to help
diagnose and troubleshoot the problem. Only the recipient's email admin
will be able to fix this.
*napo2.ecuahosting.net gave this error:
DKIM: encountered the following problem validating dinforsysmega.com:
pubkey_unavailable *
pues pedirle que te actualicen el record del DKIM por el nuevo que
tienes generado en tu servidor, y que coincide con tus llaves privadas.
No hay de otra. Salu2.
Ing. Arian Molina Aguilera
Administrador de Redes y Servicios Telemáticos
Nodo Central ARTex S.A. La Habana. Cuba.
Telfs: +53(7)2047874, +53(7)204-2710 ext 123
jabber: ar...@jabber.artex.cu
Linux Usuario Registrado #392892
Lista de correos del Grupo de Usuarios de Tecnologías Libres de Cuba.