lire -> full-featured log analyzer and report generator

Lire is a full-featured and extensible set of utilities and API's to
generate statistics and reports from logfiles. Although those could be
any type of logfiles, the first purpose of Lire is to ease the
administration and the monitoring of system services. As such, filters
are bundled for email servers like Postfix, Sendmail and Exim,
for web servers like Apache and IIS, as well as several kinds of
firewall, printing, DNS or database services, ...

Using DocBook as an intermediary format, the resulting reports can be
produced in ASCII, HTML, PDF and other formats.

Por cierto, este no lo conocía y se ve interesante, no solo para Postfix, sino para otros tipos de Logs

*Téc. Leslie León Sinclair
*Administrador de Redes
*Empresa Cubana de Equipos Médicos - ICEM
*Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba
*Another happy Slackware, Arch&  Debian GNU/Linux user
*Proud GNU/Linux User #445535

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en busca de virus y otros contenidos peligrosos,
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Lista de correos del Grupo de Usuarios de Tecnologías Libres de Cuba.

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