Para quitar el cartelito...


You will need SSH access to the Proxmox host with the required access to edit the *pvemanagerlib.js* file.

First, take a backup of the file:

cp /usr/share/pve-manager/ext4/pvemanagerlib.js 

Then open the file using a text editor, *vi* for example.

vi /usr/share/pve-manager/ext4/pvemanagerlib.js

Currently on line 450 of the file, however it may change with future updates, there is a line similar to below;

if (data.status !== 'Active') {

This line is doing the check to see if your subscription status is not *'Active'*. This needs to be changed to return false to stop the subscription message from being shown.

if (false) {

And that annoying little popup will be a thing of the past!

/Note: You may need to clear your web browser cache after applying this code change./


Saludos, P.

El 10/12/13 13:08, Jessy Vidal escribió:
Alguien sabe como quitarle el cartelito bien pesao a partir de la 3.1 cada vez q uno hace un login You do not have a valid subscription for this server. Please visit <> to get a list of available options. y otra cosa desactivar el repo de q no sale en el source.list

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