uy... que trabajo, usa ngircd y ya...

Thread name: "[Gutl-l] Re Sobre Servidor IRCd" 
Mail number: 1 
Date: Fri, May 24, 2013 
In reply to: Abel Bordón Durán 
> Hola lista!!
> Hace unos días alguien preguntó sobre un server ircd y realmente no sé si
> alguien le contestó o no pero bueno hoy navegando en mis archivos encontré
> este tutorial espero le sirva al que lo pidió y disculpen la demora saludos
> Pd: está en inglés 
> How to create an IRC Server - By Liran Cohen!
> I wasnt planning on it being this long, but if your a more advanced user you
> can skip alot of the reading Have fun!!
> In this tutorial i will show you how easy it is to create an IRCd with
> UnrealIRCd 3.2 running a Linux Box.
> First of all download the Unreal IRCD 3.2 Beta11 from:
> - this was taken from
> the original unrealIRCD site
> When you have finished downloading it you have to decompress it and install
> it.
> I reccomend creating a seperate linux user that runs the unrealIRCd.
> Lets pretend this user is "ircd"
> your Unreal3.2-beta11.tar.gz file should be located in /home/ircd/
> now type in the command:
> [ircd@server ircd]$ tar xvfz Unreal3.2-beta11.tar.gz
> after all of the files have been extracted go into the Unreal3.2 directory.
> [ircd@server ircd]$ cd Unreal3.2
> in this folder there is an "INSTALL" file, there is no need to read this
> because I will explain what is said in it in this tutorial.
> now enter the following commands:
> [ircd@server Unreal3.2]$ ./Config
> I will go through the questions quickly...
> Do you have an insecure operating system and therefore want to
> use the server anti-spoof protection?
> [No] ->
> - leave this ad the default no [press enter]
> What directory are all the server configuration files in?
> [/home/ircd/Unreal3.2] ->
> - This asks you what directory your configuration files are in, i left it as
> default [press enter]
> What is the path to the ircd binary including the name of the binary?
> [/home/dome/Unreal3.2/src/ircd] ->
> - Also asks you where the binary files are located, also i left it as
> default [press Enter]
> Would you like to compile as a hub or as a leaf?
> Type Hub to select hub and Leaf to select leaf.
> [Hub] ->
> - This is totaly up to you, i myself left it as the default which is Hub
> [press enter]
> What is the hostname of the server running your IRCd?
> [] ->
> - enter the hostname of the server your running, most of this will be
> default but some will have to put in their own. In my case it was
> ""
> What should the default permissions for your configuration files be? (Set
> this to 0 to disable)
> It is strongly recommended that you use 0600 to prevent unwanted reading of
> the
> file
> [0600] ->
> - I would leave the default 0600 [press enter]
> Do you want to support SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) connections?
> [No] ->
> - again up to you, I put yes because to me its better
> Do you want to enable IPv6 support?
> [No] ->
> - this is depending on you, i do not need IPv6 support because i dont have
> IPv6 and msot people in the US do not either(if any) so i left the default.
> What listen() backlog value do you wish to use? Some older servers
> have problems with more than 5, others work fine with many more.
> [5] ->
> - again, these are your settings, i left the default.[press enter]
> How far back do you want to keep the nickname history?
> [2000] ->
> - another question that i suggest just leaving the default.[press enter]
> What is the maximum sendq length you wish to have?
> [3000000] ->
> - default as well.[press enter]
> How many buffer pools would you like?
> This number will be multiplied by MAXSENDQLENGTH.
> [9] ->
> - i again left the default, but this is depending on you.
> How many file descriptors (or sockets) can the IRCd use?
> [1024] ->
> - i highly suggest leaving this one as is. [press enter]
> Would you like any more parameters to configure?
> Write them here:
> []->
> - just press enter (unless you know of ahead of time any more parimeters)
> Now it shold start configuring. wait till it is done you should see
> soemthing like this:
> __________________________________________________
> | |
> | UnrealIRCd Compile-Time Config |
> |__________________________________________________|
> |__________________________________________________|
> | |
> | Now all you have to do is type 'make' and let it compile. |
> | When that's done, you will receive other instructions |
> | on what to do next. |
> | |
> |__________________________________________________|
> |__________________________________________________|
> | - The UnrealIRCd Team - |
> | |
> | * Stskeeps |
> | * codemastr |
> |__________________________________________________|
> Just do what it tells you to.
> [ircd@server Unreal3.2]$ make
> now it should start compiling the IRCd (almost done)
> at the end of compiling you should get this:
> ___________________________________________
> | Compile is now complete. |
> | You should now read the documentation and learn |
> | how to configure your IRCd. |
> | |
> | If you really like UnrealIRCd, and would like to |
> | make a donation, please read the Donation file in |
> | this archive. :) |
> | |
> | Thanks for using Unreal IRCd! If you are in need |
> | for any kind of help regarding the IRCd please |
> | read the Unreal.nfo file. |
> |___________________________________________|
> almost home free :)
> now there has been a program created that helps you with further
> configuration that i HIGHLY reccomend using. (it will create unrealircd.conf
> for you)
> [ircd@server Unreal3.2]$ ./makeconf
> |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|
> | Welcome to the unrealircd.conf generator. |
> |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|
> What will your server name be? (ie:
> [] ->
> -here put in your the server name... (remember to add this in
> your DNS Settigns!)
> What is your IRC server's IP? (ie:
> Use * to bind to all interfaces
> [] ->
> -put in the IP that your server is on... also should point to
> this IP (example
> Server comment? (ie: Main Hub Server)
> [IRC server!] ->
> -you can leave this as is, it really doesnt make a difference, or if your
> IRC Network has a name put that in it.
> Main port? (ie: 6667)
> [6667] ->
> -i suggest leaving this as is if u want it to be a public IRCD on the other
> had if you want it alittle hidden you can change it. Just make sure to let
> people know because they will need to know the port in order to log in
> What server numeric does the server have (range = 1..256)
> Must NOT be the same as other servers you link with
> [] ->
> -unless you are running multiple servers this wont matter to you, just leave
> it blank.
> What is your real name? (ie: John Doe)
> [Admin-name] ->
> -self explanitory.
> What is your IRC nickname? (ie: JD)
> [Admin] ->
> -just put in whatever nickname you usualy use when your on IRC.
> What is your e-mail address? (ie:
> [] ->
> -also self explanitory.
> What will your opername be for your O:line? (ie: johndoe)
> [Admin] ->
> -O:line if you dont already know is IRCOp, you NEED this, i suggest using
> your Nick.
> What oper flags do you want to have? (ie: OAWZ)
> Some flags to choose from:
> o = local oper
> O = global oper
> N = network administrator
> A = server administrator
> C = co administrator
> T = technical administrator
> read unrealircd.doc for more info about O:line flags)
> [OAZHWe] ->
> -I suggest leaving it as as... it gives you all of them since you run the
> server its ok. (regular OPers on the otherhand should just have the global
> Op, we will get to that later
> What will your /oper password be? (ie: snoopy67)
> [password] ->
> -this password is the password you will use when doing an O:line - REMEMBER
> What is your user@host mask on IRC? (ie: *@*
> [*@*] ->
> -find out your host mask on IRC this is how the server knows its your O:line
> and not someone else. Its NOT reccomended to make it *@* because if your
> password is guessed your screwed.)
> What do you want your die password to be?
> [diepass] ->
> -self explanitory, just make a PW that you can remember.
> What do you want your restart password to be?
> [restartpass] ->
> -same as above.
> If your running services, or linking to a network that has
> services, please state the services servername.
> If you are running a non-services network, just type 'next'
> [Services.IRC-Net.Org] ->
> -self explanitory most of you will type 'next'
> Would you like to configure any servers for linking?
> Type the servername, or type 'done' when finished.
> [done] ->
> -most of you will just do done.
> Would you like any extra ports, other than 6667? Enter them here.
> Type 'done' when you are finished. Type 'default' to use 6665-6669/7000.
> [default] ->
> -this is up to you - i added a few more ports just because it doesnt hurt.
> OK, unrealircd.conf has been generated according to what you specified.
> Make sure you double check for errors in unrealircd.conf. We recommend that
> you take a look at your unrealircd.conf right now. Thanks for using
> UnrealIRCd
> Have a nice day.
> [Press enter to continue]
> w00h00!! You think your done?? Not yet.... sorry
> Almost there though.
> now with your favorite text editor edit the "" file in your
> /home/ircd/Unreal3.2/networks directory
> it should look like this:
> set {
> network-name "IRC"; // sets the name of your network
> default-server ""; // sets the address of your default server
> (like
> services-server ""; // sets the name of your services
> server
> stats-server ""; // sets the name of your stats server
> help-channel "#IRC"; // sets the name of your help channel
> hiddenhost-prefix "mpx"; // sets the prefix for the hidden hosts
> prefix-quit "Quit:"; // sets the first word to be used in a quit message
> hosts {
> local ""; // sets the host to be given to locops
> global ""; // sets the host to be given to global ops
> coadmin ""; // sets the host to be given to coadmins
> admin ""; // sets the host to be given to admins
> servicesadmin ""; // sets the host to be given to
> services admins
> netadmin ""; // sets the host to be given to netadmins
> host-on-oper-up "off"; // sets whether to assign the hosts on oper up
> };
> };
> change the settings to what you would like... again this is all self
> explanitory... most of it will be 
> now i will paste my file into here what it looked like after i edited it,
> with some comments of course
> /*
> * Linux Users IRC Network ( Network Configuration File
> *
> * Added-at: 29 July 2002 22:04
> * Author: Liran
> * Email:
> */
> set {
> network-name "Linux Users IRC Network"; //name of the network
> kline-address "*!*";
> default-server "";
> services-server "";
> stats-server "";
> help-channel "#help"; //help channel :)
> nameserver ""; //DNS Nameserver
> hiddenhost-prefix "hide";
> cloak-keys {
> "334234"; // make sure these are ALL RANDOM NUMBERS!!!!
> "496345";
> "634574";
> };
> hosts {
> local "";
> global "";
> coadmin "";
> admin "";
> servicesadmin "";
> techadmin "";
> netadmin "";
> host-on-oper-up yes; //put this to yes!
> };
> modes-on-connect "+wx"; //the wx are good to have especial x (it masks the
> users host, for security resons)
> auto-join "#linux-users"; //channels to auto-join when the server is
> accessed.
> };
> save this as ""
> One more step and your finished.
> now in your /home/ircd/Unreal3.2 directory edit the "unrealircd.conf" file
> if you would like to add OPers its really not hard, look for your name and
> password that you set up as your O:line and do the same for the others, one
> difference is take out the A for network administartor.
> at the bottom of the file add this in:
> include "networks/"; //where
> "networks/" is the file we edited.
> now save and exit.
> in your Unreal3.2 directory type the following command:
> [ircd@server Unreal3.2]$ ./unreal start
> VOILA!!! your server is up and running, or it should be if you followed the
> instructions correctly
> Have fun and dont kick/ban too many people, they might not come back lol
> Also reply or e-mail me ( if you have any problems...
> La Universidad Máximo Gómez Báez de Ciego de Ávila espera con júbilo su 
> 35 Aniversario
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