Hace unos pocos días salio la versión 2.0 de proxmox. Released 30.03.2012:
(First public beta released on 30.09.2011, rc1 on 16.02.2012, final release on 30.03.2012) Proxmox VE 2.0 Documentation Complete new GUI based on Ext JS 4 JavaScript framework fast search-driven interface, capable of handling hundreds and probably thousands of VM´s secure VNC console, supporting external VNC viewer with SSL support role based user- and permission management for all objects (VM´s, storages, nodes, etc.) Support for multiple authentication sources (MS ADS, LDAP, Linux PAM, Proxmox VE authentication) High Availability Cluster support for KVM guests and OpenVZ containers resource agents for KVM and OpenVZ GUI for managing KVM and OpenVZ HA settings Based on Debian 6.0 Squeeze long-term 2.6.32 Kernel (based on RHEL6.x) with KVM and OpenVZ as default New cluster communication based on corosync, including: Proxmox Cluster file system (pmxcfs): Database-driven file system for storing configuration files, replicated in realtime on all nodes using corosync creates multi-master clusters (no single master anymore!) cluster-wide logging basis for HA setup´s with KVM guests and OpenVZ containers config files RESTful web API Proxmox_VE_API Resource Oriented Architecture (ROA) declarative API definition using JSON Schema enable easy integration for third party management tools Backup/Restore via GUI GUI and CLI, works for OpenVZ containers and KVM VM´s "Backup Now" via GUI Restore via GUI All jobs can be monitored as “Recent tasks” OpenVZ Appliance Downloader, including TurnKey Linux channel Multiple storages for OpenVZ container, no limit to /var/lib/vz anymore!!! vswap support Improved init.log (shows start-up logs of a OpenVZ container) Commitment to Free Software (FOSS): public code repository and bug tracker for the 2.x code base. Licensed under GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html Saludos Lic. Omar Padrón Capote Administrador de Red ERMP Cfgos Tel. 515887 o 515878 ext 115 ______________________________________________________________________ Lista de correos del Grupo de Usuarios de Tecnologías Libres de Cuba. Gutl-l@jovenclub.cu https://listas.jovenclub.cu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gutl-l