El 02/05/2011 20:04, Hugo Florentino escribió:
Para usar el repo backports que está en JCCE, esto debería funcionar (es una
una sola línea):

deb http://download.jovenclub.cu/repos/debian/backports squeeze-backports
main contrib non-free

Lista de correos del Grupo de Usuarios de Tecnologías Libres de Cuba.
Bueno pues poniendolo en el sources.list y haciendo un apt-getu update no me da error, pero cuanto trato de descargarlo con debmirror me da error:

#tail -f /var/log/debmirror/debian-backports.log
Mirroring to /home/www/repos/debian-backports from http://download.jovenclub.cu/repos/debian/backports/
Arches: i386,amd64
Dists: squeeze-backports
Sections: main,contrib,non-free
Pdiff mode: none
Proxy: http://user:passw...@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:3128/
Will clean up AFTER mirroring.
Attempting to get lock, this might take 2 minutes before it fails.
Get Release files.
[0%] Getting: dists/squeeze-backports/Release... ok
[0%] Getting: dists/squeeze-backports/Release.gpg... ok
gpgv: Firmado el dom 05 sep 2010 14:53:55 CDT usando clave DSA ID 16BA136C
gpgv: Imposible comprobar la firma: Clave pública no encontrada
gpgv: Firmado el dom 05 sep 2010 14:53:55 CDT usando clave RSA ID 55BE302B
gpgv: Firma correcta de "Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (5.0/lenny) <ftpmas...@debian.org>"
Get Packages and Sources files and other miscellany.
dists/squeeze-backports/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz needs fetch
[ 98%] Getting: dists/squeeze-backports/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz... ok
dists/squeeze-backports/main/binary-i386/Release needs fetch
[ 98%] Getting: dists/squeeze-backports/main/binary-i386/Release... ok
dists/squeeze-backports/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz needs fetch
[ 98%] Getting: dists/squeeze-backports/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz... ok
dists/squeeze-backports/main/binary-amd64/Release needs fetch
[ 98%] Getting: dists/squeeze-backports/main/binary-amd64/Release... ok
dists/squeeze-backports/contrib/binary-i386/Release needs fetch
[ 99%] Getting: dists/squeeze-backports/contrib/binary-i386/Release... ok
dists/squeeze-backports/contrib/binary-amd64/Release needs fetch
[ 99%] Getting: dists/squeeze-backports/contrib/binary-amd64/Release... ok
dists/squeeze-backports/non-free/binary-i386/Release needs fetch
[ 99%] Getting: dists/squeeze-backports/non-free/binary-i386/Release... ok
dists/squeeze-backports/non-free/binary-amd64/Release needs fetch
[100%] Getting: dists/squeeze-backports/non-free/binary-amd64/Release... ok
No packages after parsing Packages and Sources files!
WARNING: releasing 1 pending lock...
Parse Packages and Sources files and add to the file list everything therein.

aqui el script de que tengo echo para debmirror

# cat /home/scripts/repo/backports.sh
exec debmirror \
    --progress \
    --verbose \
    --nosource \
    --host=download.jovenclub.cu/repos/debian \
    --root=backports \
    --dist=squeeze-backports \
    --section=main,contrib,non-free \
    --arch=i386,amd64 \
    --timeout=600 \
    --method=http \
    --diff=none \
    --postcleanup \
    --ignore-small-errors \
    --proxy=http://user:passw...@xxx.xxx.xxxx.xxx:3128/ \
/home/www/repos/debian-backports > /var/log/debmirror/debian-backports.log 2>&1&
exit 0


Lic. Roilan Martínez Curbelo
Esp. Principal Joven Club Cumanayagua 1, Cienfuegos
Correo: roilan06...@cfg.jovenclub.cu
JabberID: roilan06...@jabber.cfg.jovenclub.cu
Teléfonos: Trabajo: (+53)(043)433309. Particular: (+53)53594776

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Lista de correos del Grupo de Usuarios de Tecnologías Libres de Cuba.

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