El 01/04/2011 8:08, Juan Carlos escribió:

ok en realidad no habia querido ser profundo en el tema por que se que el exim lo usa poca gente y por ello casi nadie sabe de él pero bueno aqui les va sucede que tengo 2 servidores de correo en mi red un mdaemon y un postfix quiero quitar el postfix y poner exim que actuara como pasarela en la red oh sea lo que quiero es que ese exim le entregue a mi smarthost y le tire por smtp directo a cada server de cada provincia dentro de mi misma red (mfp) incluyendo el servidor mdaemon que se encuentra en mi mismo domain, algo parecido a lo que hago actualmente con la tabla transport del postfix, yo he usado exim antes pero no de esta manera, de los buzones de correo etc.... se encargara el mdaemon, espero que ahora me entiendan mejor.

Juanca, te mande esto al privado pero no se ti te llego, te lo reenvio por aqui, creo que puedes ir teniendo una idea de lo que quieres hacer, espero te sirva de algo,

You can implement relay control by means of suitable statements in the ACL that runs for each RCPT command. For convenience, it is often easiest to use Exim's named list facility to define the domains and hosts involved. For example, suppose you want to do the following:


     Deliver a number of domains to mailboxes on the local host (or
     process them locally in some other way). Let's say these are
     /my.dom1.example/ and /my.dom2.example/.


     Relay mail for a number of other domains for which you are the
     secondary MX. These might be /friend1.example/ and /friend2.example/.


     Relay mail from the hosts on your local LAN, to whatever domains
     are involved. Suppose your LAN is

In the main part of the configuration, you put the following definitions:

  domainlist local_domains = my.dom1.example : my.dom2.example
  domainlist relay_domains = friend1.example : friend2.example
  hostlist   relay_hosts   =

Now you can use these definitions in the ACL that is run for every RCPT command:

    accept domains = +local_domains : +relay_domains
    accept hosts   = +relay_hosts

The first statement accepts any RCPT command that contains an address in the local or relay domains. For any other domain, control passes to the second statement, which accepts the command only if it comes from one of the relay hosts. In practice, you will probably want to make your ACL more sophisticated than this, for example, by including sender and recipient verification.

Michael González Medina
Administrador de Red
Linux User #530254
Centro Nacional de Sanidad Vegetal CNSV

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