"Thompson, David" <dthomps...@worcester.edu> writes:

>> Do you also believe that the Linux kernel has outgrown the "email-based
>> workflow"?  If not, what makes things different for Guix, in your
>> opinion?
> I don't contribute to Linux so I have nothing to add here.

I don't believe that that's a necessary pre-requisite to be able to add
something of value, but fair enough.

>> Since a number of criticisms about the current approach have been about
>> the GNU fork of Debbugs.  I wonder if replacing that with something else
>> (say, Bugzilla) while still retaining the email-based workflow wouldn't
>> address most of the pain points.  Unless I'm mistaken, I believe the
>> Linux kernel takes a similar approach.
> I wouldn't support a switch to Bugzilla or something similar.


> I want Guix to use a real forge with pull requests, webhooks, etc.

Well, yes, that much is clear.


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