Hi Chris,

Christopher Baines <m...@cbaines.net> skribis:

> I think more fundamentally there's a lack of interest/buy-in, at least
> to support a system as ambitious as QA currently is. I'm obviously
> biased but when QA has been able to provide information on patches in
> the past, I've found that really useful. I don't want to be pushing
> patches/branches without that assistance, and while there have been
> people other than me that have worked on QA and the surrounding systems,
> it's been quite a few years now and as I say, I'm just not sure there's
> enough interest, and even if there is, that hasn't translated in to many
> people getting involved.

I already said it in Brussels but let me restate it: it’s quite clear
that both reviewers and contributors *want* to use qa.guix.

When qa.guix was working fine, we were all benefiting from it, and I
think many of us keep visiting <https://qa.guix.gnu.org/patches> in the
hope it’s back up because nobody wants to push patches without
assistance and qa.guix does just the right thing.

As for the lack of interest in contributing, that’s a different story.
IME, getting people to contribute is a constant and long-term effort.
There are patches for qa-frontpage in the backlog waiting for review;
acknowledging them might be the beginning of a more collectively-owned
code base.  But it’s just that, the beginning; it’s going to take time
and effort.

The last thing we’d want is you burning out on this.  I’m not sure I’m
in a position to give useful advice, but I would suggest perhaps
redirecting some of the hack/admin energy into communication, with an
eye on providing enough documentation and legibility that someone
following along could step in.  You wrote excellent status updates over
the years (!) but perhaps some sort of an infra handbook and day-to-day
updates (small scale) on issues and progress would help?

You may not feel like it because you’ve been working on it head-down and
so you see problems first and foremost, but I can tell you that your
work on QA, the Data Service, the Build Coordinator, and nar-herder have
made a big difference for the project.  Thank you.


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