Thanks for the submission Feng!

Just a couple of things:

1) Try to send your email as plaintext, not html.  Most developers prefer 
plaintext emails.  :)

2)  I would encourage you to read this webpage:

   Essentially you should submit patches with "git send-email"
   ( ), and you should submit patches to: .  Guix devel does not create an bug report.
   BUT will create a correspending bug report at

Thanks again for helping guix!

A very helpful elf

January 7, 2025 at 8:39 PM, "Feng Shu" < > wrote:

> Hello everyone.
> I have try many display-manager in guix: gdm, sddm, slim and lightdm,
> and finally find lightdm is very comfortable to use after it fix session
> menu dispear problem in gux:
> 1. it start very fast.
> 2. lightdm-gtk-greeter can change font, background easy.
> 3. it can support other greeters.
> I have send the below patches, please review them if someone have time,
> thanks,
> 1. Add lightdm-greeter-general-configuration and simplify code
> with this configuration, user can use other greeter, for example:
> slick-greeter, lightdm-mini-greeter, lightdm-tiny-greeter or
> lightdm-pantheon-greeter easily.
> 2. Add slick-greeter
> 3. Add lightdm-tiny-greeter
> 4. Add lightdm-pantheon-greeter 
> For I use xfce4, so I just package some greeter using gtk, and do not
> package greeter using qt, if someone interesting, can try :-)
> the below is lightdm configuration to test:
> ```
> (service lightdm-service-type
>  (lightdm-configuration
>  (greeters
>  (list (lightdm-greeter-general-configuration
>  (greeter-package slick-greeter)
>  (greeter-session-name "slick-greeter")
>  (greeter-config-name "slick-greeter.conf")
>  (config (list "[Greeter]"
>  "font-name = San 12"
>  "background = 
> /run/current-system/profile/share/backgrounds/guix/guix-checkered-16-9.svg")))
>  (lightdm-greeter-general-configuration
>  (greeter-package lightdm-mini-greeter)
>  (greeter-session-name "lightdm-mini-greeter")
>  (greeter-config-name "lightdm-mini-greeter.conf")
>  (config (list "[greeter]"
>  "user = guest"
>  "[greeter-hotkeys]"
>  "mod-key = control"
>  "session-key = e")))
>  (lightdm-greeter-general-configuration
>  (greeter-package (customize-lightdm-tiny-greeter #:session "icewm"))
>  (greeter-session-name "lightdm-tiny-greeter")
>  (greeter-config-name "lightdm-tiny-greeter.conf")
>  (config (list "## Lightdm-mini-greeter have no config, ignore it!")))
>  (lightdm-greeter-general-configuration)
>  (lightdm-gtk-greeter-configuration
>  (lightdm-gtk-greeter lightdm-gtk-greeter-gee)
>  (extra-config
>  (list "font-name = San 10"
>  "icon-size = 64"
>  "xft-dpi = 140"
>  "clock-format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
>  ;; We need to use "~~" to generate a tilde, for
>  ;; extra-config sting will be handle as
>  ;; control-string of format function.
>  "indicators = ~~host;~~spacer;~~session;~~a11y;~~clock;~~power")))))
>  (seats
>  (list (lightdm-seat-configuration
>  (name "*")
>  (greeter-session 'lightdm-tiny-greeter))))
>  (xorg-configuration
>  (xorg-configuration
>  ;; The QXL virtual GPU driver is added to provide a better
>  ;; SPICE experience.
>  (modules (cons xf86-video-qxl
>  %default-xorg-modules))
>  (keyboard-layout keyboard-layout)
>  (server-arguments
>  (append %default-xorg-server-arguments
>  '("-dpi" "140")))))))
> ```
> --

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