For what its worth, I mentioned it only in the capacity of the opportunity to 
share work with meson.
So in answer, I meant a guile interface to meson, with the backend of meson 
remaining the same
I develop a lot with the gnome ecosystem and the meson project makes 
accommodations for that although I am sure there are other nice options.
On 28. 12. 24 3:51, Divya Ranjan wrote:
> Hello Fi,
> Would you prefer a guile interface to meson, or a meson replacement in Guile?
> Regards,
> On 27 December 2024 00:41:33 GMT, Fi <lapearl...@disroot.org> wrote:
>     I was thinking this the other day!, was wondering about how useful a 
> guile interface to meson would be. On 19. 12. 24 22:12, Divya Ranjan wrote:
>         Hello Guix, The other day, after being frustrated of build systems 
> (auto-tools, meson, maven etc.), I wondered why doesn’t Guix which has such 
> powerful tools within it (`guix build`, `guix pack` etc.) also not have a 
> purely Guile-based build tool? After all, our goal is to make deployment, and 
> building both more declarative and away from the all-too-familiar “dependency 
> hell”. I am not exactly sure how I want to go with this, but I want to extend 
> (if needed) the capabilities of Guix, to allow the developer of a package to 
> use it also to build the package effectively replacing existing build tools. 
> Since we already have build-system, instead of executing make (or whatever 
> other tool) commands from it, we could modify it to itself have all those 
> things that a Makefile would have. The developer would use Guile to declare 
> their build config, I am again not sure what this might exactly look like, 
> but can’t we have it such that we provide the developer with some tools to
>         _declare_ a custom and package-specific build-system in Guile (just 
> like our familiar gnu-build-system), but this is purely in Guile and executes 
> whatever commands, path declarations and other interactions (such as calling 
> gcc) directly from Guile and not by just calling `make`. I haven’t thought 
> through this clearly, but even if this doesn’t work, the main idea I’d like 
> to propose is to fully replace existing build-tools by making a new Guile 
> build tool to work alongside Guix. Ideally, once the developer has a build 
> config ready, one can just wrap it up with a package definition in Guile, 
> just like the ones we create to package something upstream. This package 
> definition can then be used in `guix build -f package.scm` to result in a 
> fully transactional building process that focuses not on getting out of 
> dependency hell, but just declaring your config right. And all of this 
> without having to learn yet another build tool that might disappear, and of 
> course, without
>         leaving the comfortable world of Lisp (Scheme). I was indicated by 
> others that such an idea has previously been conceievd among Guix developers 
> themselves, namely as a GSoC proposal[0]. I couldn’t find if that has 
> progressed towards anything, nor could find anything in the mailing list. I 
> did see Pjotr volunteering to mentor for it, I’ve CC-ed them to see if 
> they’re still interested in such a project. Meanwhile, I’d like input from 
> other Guix core developers on what they think of this, and if they could 
> provide me with some leads on where to go with this. [0]: 
> https://libreplanet.org/wiki/Group:Guix/GSoC-2024 Regards, 
> Divya Ranjan, Mathematics, Philosophy and Libre Software

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