
45mg <45mg.wri...@gmail.com> writes:

> [..]
> As I suspected, the issue does not show up until you add additional
> channels in your configuration file - in the case of the configuration
> below, that means adding the `my-channels` definition and the
> `modify-services` form. When you reconfigure after doing that, you
> should see it updating the channel repositories as I originally
> described.
> [..]
>                          (guix (guix-for-channels my-channels)))))))

`guix-for-channels' does not cache the computation, that is a known
defect.  There are workarounds to make it cache, but they all suck in
one way or another.

For single-user system, you can just not use it, and access the
additional channels from your guix-pulled profile.

Have a nice day,

There are only two hard things in Computer Science:
cache invalidation, naming things and off-by-one errors.

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