Hello Ryan,

> I think it would be appropriate if each "next" package had a code comment, or 
> perhaps an addendum to its package description, describing how it relates to 
> the main packaged version.

I think the whole "next" category is problematic. Why not just have a version 
number of that package that's different from the "main" one? So instead of 
emacs-next have emacs-30.0.9 or whatever. At least here the choice of 
arbitrariness is visible. A "next" makes no sense.

> In case you don't know about "--with-latest", that's the supported way to 
> install the latest master branch of a package. "-next" packages are not meant 
> to closely track master.

Thank you for this, how can this be added when declaring a package in system or 
home configuration?


Divya Ranjan, Mathematics, Philosophy and Libre Software

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