Hi guix,

The software behind https://packages.guix.gnu.org/, Guix Packages Website,¹ has been updated with the following changes:

+ Updated visual theme to match Guix's website theme

+ Added automatic light/dark color scheme switching (the web browser does the switching depending on user desktop or web browser theme preferences)

+ Products now serve an SVG badge for their latest package version available in Guix.²

+ Fixed #8: Duplicate versions shown for "fixed" packages.³

+ Fixed Guix #73564: Broken link to guix shell documentation.⁴

Could sysadmins squeeze an upgrade for this application into their busy schedule?

Thanks in advance,

1. https://codeberg.org/luis-felipe/guix-packages-website/
2. https://codeberg.org/luis-felipe/guix-packages-website/issues/11
3. https://codeberg.org/luis-felipe/guix-packages-website/issues/8
4. https://issues.guix.gnu.org/73564

Luis Felipe López Acevedo

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