October 24, 2024 at 1:17 PM, "Juliana Sims" <j...@incana.org 
mailto:j...@incana.org?to=%22Juliana%20Sims%22%20%3Cjuli%40incana.org%3E > 

> Hey y'all,
> After a turbulent few months, I have an exciting announcement about the 
> Goblins Shepherd port -- the design document has reached (initial) 
> completion! [1]
> The purpose of this document is to have a point of reference for thinking 
> about the port as well as explaining it at a high but technical level to 
> those who may be interested. It is both the expression and culmination of 
> experimentation to ensure the ideas in it are sound and applicable. This 
> preparatory work means the port itself should progress comparatively smoothly 
> from this point onwards.
> All work will happen in the wip-goblinsify branch to be merged back into 
> mainline in the least-disruptive way possible. I look forward to sharing 
> progress with you all along the way, and please feel free to reach out with 
> any questions, concerns, or feedback!

Woo hoo!  Congrats!  I'm looking forward to seeing the cool toys you'll make
with this!


> Thanks,
> Juli
> [1] 
> https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/shepherd.git/tree/goblins-port-design-doc.org?h=wip-goblinsify

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