Hey Marek,
You might find my work on Parameterized Packages interesting:


Unfortunately, it hasn't been merged into the main branch yet, however you
should be able to make everything use -Os with the patch.



On Tue, Aug 20, 2024, 15:35 Marek Paśnikowski <ma...@marekpasnikowski.pl>

> Hello
> In order to prevent the XY problem, here is my goal: Rebuild the entire
> system with -Os optimization level.  It is an experiment into viability
> of hardware-targeted optimizations.
> The [2.1 Packaging Tutorial][1] of the Cookbook mentions that it is
> possible to pass a #:make-flags argument to a list of packages.
> Unfortunately, no explanation is given how to implement this
> functionality, and which exactly lists of packages does it apply to.
> Does the Guix System have a facility similar to Gentoo's [make.conf][2],
> where a default optimization set can be declared? A potential problem is
> with packages that are dependencies of services, like %desktop-services.
> I hope those also would inherit the changes.
> [1]: https://guix.gnu.org/cookbook/en/html_node/Packaging-Tutorial.html
> [2]:
> https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki//etc/portage/make.conf#CFLAGS_and_CXXFLAGS

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