"Jonathan Frederickson" <jonat...@terracrypt.net> writes:

> I frequently end up with Guix attempting to build packages on my
> lower-powered machines when there are no substitutes
> available. However, a common reason that substitutes aren't available
> for a package is that the package failed to build in CI! And I usually
> discover this when the package fails to build locally, usually for the
> same reason, and usually after a relatively long build process.

I am also annoyed by this artifact of nix-based systems. Some systems
are physically incapable of building their binaries; for example, kernel
of a microcomputer — absolutely necessary, yet the device does not have
enough memory. This is why I believe that a clean solution is to
guarantee proper substitute availability for systems that require it.

> Would it make sense to have some mechanism for substitute servers to
> be able to provide a sort of "non-existence proof" for a given
> package? Something that the CI system could publish to indicate that
> its build attempt for that package failed, and that clients could use
> to optionally abort without attempting a local build?

I have carried the following idea for a long time with the intent of
actually implementing it before sharing it ("if you want something done,
do it yourself" mentality). But seeing other's frustration with this
problem I could at least share it. Here it is:

The proof of availability is in workflow itself. The project committers
NEVER commit anything to the master branch. Only the CI system
does. Instead, the committers push to a "pre-main" branch, and the CI
system picks the commits up one by one and attempts to build them as
usual. IMPORTANT POINT: *if* the commit builds correctly, it gets pushed
by CI to master branch, and the substitute is already available. *If*
the commit does not build, it gets rejected, and it never goes to

I currently do not know enough about Git to confidently propose a
solution to the problem of how to handle the reordering of the queued
work on a build failure, but I have a feeling it is not that hard to

One could argue that this process delays availability of software
updates, but I believe this is the correct price to pay. The CI latency
would still be neglible when compared to the latency of developers who
perform the real work of software maintenance.

There is also the issue of software bugs which cause problems at
runtime. However, this is an independent problems, which should be
managed by other QA processes. The art of good engineering is to find
the simplest mechanisms possible that achieve the tasks well. And this
requires to break down problems into atomic parts.

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