Politely, my relatively-new-user observations about `guix pull` and home/system 
reconfigure commands,
 1. The commands, in my experience, always fail with network troubles, and the 
commands must be re-issued multiple times for
things to complete. Other internet-requesting utilities such as wget, curl, 
yt-dlp, pacman, apk and mpv do not have these
 2. The commands, based on shell output, appear to download the same versions 
of the same packages multiple times,
 3. The commands, based on shell output, appear to request the same substitute 
services over and again multiple times in a row
and they appear to do so at multiple different times within the same process. 
Perhaps the output messages lack details to inform the user, but to the user 
these appear as un-necessary repetition,
 4. The commands usually print correct localised output in the shell process, 
but less frequently, question marks are printed
instead of text, such as like this '????'
For a new user, the guix experience would be more convincing if the above 
issues were not present.

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