Hi Hutzdog,

On Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 01:20 AM, hutzdog wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been working on moving over to GNU Guix recently, and have hit a

Welcome to Guix! (For the first part, not the roadblock part...)

> roadblock: there is no package for Hyprland (the one WLRoots based
> compositor with single window capture and automatic window swallowing
> that I know of). I've taken the liberty of packaging the latest
> version (see
> <https://git.sr.ht/~hutzdog/patchwork/tree/master/item/patchwork/packages/desktop.scm>

Funny enough, I just decided to take the plunge and try out Wayland
finally with Hyprland, as a sucker for eye candy. I do miss using Lisp
more (coming from lots of StumpWM time) and easy emacs keybindings

I'm using a package from a channel, I believe, of one of our
committers, who I'm cc'ing as I was just about to ask them about


Works great on my end, thanks to them!

> for the package), but there are some changes that need to happen in
> order for it to be upstreamed (as of v0.35.0).
> # Pending Patches
> The following existing patches need to be merged:
> LibInput -> 1.25.0 (<https://issues.guix.gnu.org/68844>)

I could take this on mesa-updates as I was going to be doing some
updates so might as well take this. I'll add it locally and send a
message to the bug number. Part of my motivation was to be able to
upstream Hyprland as well.

If this fits better on another existing branch, please let me know,

> LibDRM -> 2.4.120 (<https://issues.guix.gnu.org/68845>)

I have this locally on my mesa-updates. I'll send a message to that
bug number.

> # New Patches
> The following new patches will need to be created (I intend to submit
> these at some point in the near future):
> Cairo -> 1.18.0 (requires moving to Meson, I have a mostly complete
> set of changes to make it work)

I have this locally as well and will send some patches for review. It
took a bit more work, though the final result is pretty simple, it
needed a hidden cairo and a new cairo-with-documentation to build the
docs. I built up to icecat locally and all was good from what I could

Sorry for any duplicate work, perhaps your version can add something
to mine.

> Toml++ (package will be sent as a patch soon)
> Hyprlang (for xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland, will publish after Hyprland)

I believe we'll need a more current version than the released wlroots
as well. Possibly others based on the channel I referenced above, but
the big update is libdrm and cairo, in terms of rebuilds.

> ## HWData
> As with packages using the release versions of WLRoots, due to how
> Guix packages HWData a patch is needed to make Meson find it. We have
> a few options: maintain a parallel package which simply farms all
> outputs of HWData as symlinks and adds the pkg-config file, maintain a
> patch on a much more volatile version of WLRoots, or find some other
> solution.

Was this handled already in <https://issues.guix.gnu.org/68146> for
wlroots? Which has been merged.

> # Hyprland
> This will allow me to submit packages for Hyprland and its XDG Desktop
> Portal at version 0.35.0 (the latest release). As it's one of the more
> popular Wayland compositors out there, I think it is worth adding it
> to the repos. For now, the package is available through my Guix
> channel (fair warning, it is still very WIP and I wouldn't recommend
> using it yet outside of maybe pulling the Hyprland packages). I look
> forward to working with Guix (Scheme is certainly a breath of fresh
> air after dealing with Nix for a while) and contributing to its
> ecosystem.
> --Hutzdog

Thanks for your efforts and helping get this conversation started! I
think we can handle the bigger updates on the mesa-updates branch. I
was planning on pushing that to get builds going once I send the cairo
patch and have people take a look at that. Despite the big changes,
I'm fairly confident in it since it seems pretty much everything we
need is built by default now.

And agreed that Hyprland has been pretty nice so far as my first step
into Wayland. Though if anyone can point me to the best way to get
emacs keys everywhere I will be forever thankful. Seems xremap can do
it (which we have packaged) except it doesn't pick up different
applications for where keys apply on Hyprland. I do miss in Stump how
easy that was right in the config.


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