On Fri, Feb 09 2024, Christopher Baines wrote:

> After substitute availability taking a bit of a dive recently, the
> bordeaux build farm has finally caught back up and QA is back submitting
> builds for packages changed by patches.
> QA also has a feature to allow easily tagging patches (issues) as having
> been reviewed and ready to merge (reviewed-looks-good). You can do this
> via sending an email and QA has a form ("Mark patches as reviewed") on
> the page for each issue to help you do this.
> I'd encourage anyone and everyone to review patches, there's no burden
> on you to spot every problem and you don't need any special
> knowledge. You just need to not be involved (so you can't review your
> own patches) and take a good look at the changes, mentioning any
> questions that you have or problems that you spot. If you think the
> changes look good to be merged, you can tag the issue accordingly.
> When issues are tagged as reviewed-looks-good, QA will display them in
> dark green at the top of the list of patches, so it's on those with
> commit access to prioritise looking at these issues and merging the
> patches if indeed they are ready.
> Let me know if you have any comments or questions!

This is great, thank you.  

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