Dear all,

And ahead of FOSDEM we'll organise the annual Guix days again. That is
Th+Fr at ICAB in Brussels. They have cheap lodging and some of us plan
to stay there:

So that is 4 days of Geeks and Guix fun! 


On Sun, Nov 12, 2023 at 03:57:25PM +0200, Manolis Ragkousis wrote:
> We are excited to announce the Call for Participation for the Declarative
> and Minimalistic Computing devroom at FOSDEM on February, 2024! The
> submission deadline for talk proposals is December 1st, 2023.
> FOSDEM is one of the most important free software conferences and is
> hosted annually at Université libre de Bruxelles in Brussels,
> Belgium. This year FOSDEM will be a physical conference. Talks will be done
> in person.
> We accept talks from languages that attempt to minimize use of hardware
> and software while trying to make systems simpler, more robust and more
> secure. If you are working on improving today's systems taking
> declarative/minimalistic approaches feel free to submit a talk
> proposal. Examples include the Scheme/Lisp family of programmings languages.
> In past editions, this devroom has received presentations from a varied
> number of language communities, including Forth, Guile, Lua, Nim, Racket,
> Raku and Tcl as well as several experimental projects that push minimalism
> in new directions.
> Minimalism and declarative programming are two important topics for
> this devroom. Minimalism matters. Minimalism allows for smaller
> systems that take less resources and consume less energy. More
> importantly, free and open source minimalism allows for secure systems
> that are easy to understand. Declarative programming is a programming
> paradigm that expresses the logic of a computation without describing
> its control flow. Many languages that apply this style attempt to
> minimize or eliminate side effects by describing what the program must
> accomplish in terms of the problem domain, rather than describe how to
> accomplish it as a sequence of the programming language primitives.
> Finally, in this year's conference, we will honor the late Joe Armstrong for
> his pioneering contributions to concurrent and fault-tolerant computing
> systems. Armstrong is best known as the principal inventor of the Erlang
> programming language, which embodies the principles of concurrency,
> distribution, and fault-tolerance, making it a cornerstone in the realm of
> declarative and minimalistic computing. Erlang has been instrumental in
> powering highly scalable and reliable systems, particularly in
> telecommunications and distributed systems.
> We want to invite you to submit a talk on declarative and minimalistic
> computing that fits that description. We are especially happy to
> receive talk submissions from members of groups underrepresented in
> free software.
> If you have something you’d like to share with your fellow developers,
> please E-mail us! Reach out to
> or if you run into any
> trouble.
> The deadline for submission is December 1st. Proposals must be submitted on
> FOSDEM's conference management system: <>. Heads
> up that this year FOSDEM is not relying on the good old Pentabarf but on
> Pretalx. All submissions must go through pretalx:
> <>
> When submitting your talk make doubly sure to select "Declarative and
> Minimalistic Computing devroom" as track (if you don't we won't find
> it), and include the following information:
>   * The title and subtitle of your talk
>   * A short abstract of one paragraph
>   * A longer description if you wish to do so
>   * Links to related websites/blogs etc
> To see what a final talk looks like see
> Let's make this a fun day!
> = Organizers =
> Pjotr Prins, Manolis Ragkousis, Jonhathan McHugh, Bonface Munyoki, Arun
> Isaac, Ludovic Courtès, Amirouche Boubekki,
> Hisham Muhammad, Jan Nieuwenhuizen, Ricardo Wurmus, Alex
> Sassmannshausen, William Byrd, Oliver Propst, Efraim Flashner, Julien
> Lepiller
> = Code of conduct =
>   -
> = Original proposal =
>   -
> = Important dates: =
>   - Dec 1st 2023:  submission deadline for talk proposals
>   - Dec 15th 2023:  announcement of the final schedule
>   - Feb 4th 2024:  FOSDEM!

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