
Am 24.08.23 um 21:55 schrieb Martin Baulig:

 1. My "guix secrets" tool provides a command-line interface to
    maintain a "secrets database" (/etc/guix/secrets.db) that's only
    accessible to root.  It can contain simple passwords, arbitrary
    text (like for instance X509 certificates in PEM format) and
    binary data.

 2. …

 3. Finally, "secrets-service-type" depends on all of the above to do
    its work.

    It takes a /template file/ - which is typically interned in the
    store - containing special "tokens" that tell it which keys to
    look up from the /secrets database/.

This sounds great and like being a major step towards "guixops" [1], [2].

[1] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2019-07/msg00435.html[2] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2017-09/msg00196.html

Hartmut Goebel

| Hartmut Goebel          |h.goe...@crazy-compilers.com                |
|www.crazy-compilers.com  | compilers which you thought are impossible |

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