Am Freitag, dem 25.08.2023 um 08:07 +0000 schrieb Attila Lendvai: > i couldn't even find out which tools are used by those who are > comfortable with the email based workflow. i looked around once, even > in the manual, but maybe i should look again. Users who have tried curlbash also looked at wget | git am -3
> i'm pretty sure most maintainers have a setup where the emailed > patches can be applied to a new branch with a single press of a > button, otherwise it'd be hell of a time-waster. Well, it's several keys, actually, but as others have already pointed out, keyboard > mouse. > one fundamental issue with the email based workflow is that its > underlying data model simply does not formally encode enough > information to be able to implement a slick workflow and frontend. > e.g. with a PR based model the obsolete versions of a PR is hidden > until needed (rarely). the email based model is just a flat list of > messages that includes all the past mistakes, and the by now > irrelevant versions. What the? If anything, emails are like a tree and discussions in most forges are a single long list that's rarely well organized. Virtually every mail client supports threads, whereas a certain one of the more popular forges still refuses to do so. Hiding obsolete versions of a pull request is in practice implemented either by pushing more commits on top of the existing one, often with dubious commit messages or by force-pushing a branch, neither of which is an acceptable solution for Guix. > > But someone would have to write and maintain them... > > > there are some that have already been written. here's an ad-hoc list > of references: > > #github #gitlab #alternative > > > > > > > is gitea and is sourcehut Gitile is (as far as I'm aware) not yet a full forge. It also hasn't loaded for me in ages, but I digress. It doesn't suffice if you just integrate any of those forges into the pre-existing workflow somehow. You must also make it a pleasant experience for everyone involved. This is similar to the issue that already bugs our Matrix<->IRC bridge. Other implicit assumptions include that people will be happy to switch for the particular fork you've chosen (they won't) and will not demand $new_hot_thing within the next five years (they likely will, just look at the ChatGPT-related stuff that has been submitted). There sadly is no pleasing everyone here and unless these tools are incredibly simple to maintain, the utilitarian approach of least misery leads you to plain email. Cheers