Hi Chris,

On Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 09:23 PM, Christopher Baines wrote:
> Christopher Baines <m...@cbaines.net> writes:
>> The changes in #63459 have strayed now in to touching the commit policy
>> [1]. My intent was to simplify the guidance by grouping it better, but I
>> think the significant change here is that the commit policy now
>> references the entire branching strategy, rather than just talking about
>> sending patches for review.
>> 1: 
>> <https://guix.gnu.org/manual/devel/en/html_node/Commit-Access.html#Commit-Policy>
>> That new branching strategy makes some "should" requirements on sending
>> patches for review and pushing to topic branches for larger changes. It
>> also makes a "must" requirement on opening guix-patches issues to track
>> and manage merging branches.
>> I'd like to merge these changes next week since they've been up for a
>> few weeks, so do comment if you have any thoughts or if you'd like more
>> time to review them.
> I've now merged these changes as
> 0ea096ae23fa81f05ce97e5e61c15647c0a475ec.
> You can now see the updated Commit Policy on the website [1] (you might
> need to force a refresh), as well as the new section on managing patches
> and branches [2].
> 1: 
> <https://guix.gnu.org/manual/devel/en/html_node/Commit-Access.html#Commit-Policy>
> 2: 
> <https://guix.gnu.org/manual/devel/en/html_node/Managing-Patches-and-Branches.html>
Thanks for these changes! Question on branches (sorry if this was
covered in a previous thread, but now that we have new language in the
manual I figure this is a good place): do we have a convention on
branch names and subject headers for emailing patches for the branch?
e.g. does [PATCH <branch> 1/3] do anything on the QA end? Or does the
section about branch building for once patches are pushed to a branch
on Savannah? Does that mean pushing to a branch should follow the same
1-2 week review allowing QA builds? I guess patch series are always
built together on QA but wondering if there is anything else to be
aware of or needs mentioning to keep things tidy and clear.


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