June 5, 2023 2:13 AM, "Mekeor Melire" <mek...@posteo.de> wrote:

> Hello :)
> I'd like to contribute to the Guix Cookbook.
> The Cookbook is written in Texinfo format but as I'm not fluent in it, I 
> decided I'd first draft my
> contribution in Org-Mode which I'd later export as Texinfo and adapt 
> appropriately. I'm sorry that
> this also means that the hereby submitted draft does not come as a Git patch 
> for now.
> Find below a first draft of a new chapter entitled "Emacs", including two 
> subchapters, "Beginners
> Guide to the Perfect Setup" and "Mu4e".
> Regarding the Perfect Setup, I'm convinced that it makes sense to have a more 
> beginner-friendly
> tutorial supplementing the instructions which are already present in the Guix 
> manual. It's meant to
> have more background information and more, non-essential configuration tips, 
> as well as details on
> usage, including keybindings.
> Regarding emails, in the long-term, I'd also like to contribute a new chapter 
> on how to use the
> mailing-lists, elaborating on how to get local maildir copies of the 
> mailing-lists with tools like
> isync/mbsync or public-inbox etc. But that's for the future!
> I'm looking forward to your feedback.

My only question is should we mention emacs-guix?  I haven't tried using it in 
a long time.  Does it
still work?

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