Hi Josselin,
> I've just tried it out, but unfortunately mumi didn't receive the mail > in time and it just timed out sending the replies :( is there anything > that could be done on that front? Does mumi use IMAP IDLE? Ouch! Unfortunately, timeouts can happen. I was just hoping it would be unlikely. Did you wait out the full 15 retries of `mumi send-email'? There are three parts to the system---the debbugs server, the mumi server and the `mumi send-email' client. `mumi send-email' sends emails to the debbugs server but polls the mumi server to see if its mail has been received and registered. The mumi server fetches emails from the debbugs server using a periodic rsync. This happens once every few minutes (< 5 minutes)[1]. After sending the first email, `mumi send-email' polls the mumi server once every minute to see if the email has reached the mumi server. `mumi send-email' retries this poll for a maximum of 15 times before giving up. This is admittedly a somewhat fragile system, but it is the best we can do considering debbugs' limitations. Given email's asynchronous store and forward design and all the polling we do, a `mumi send-email' timeout is possible. Do you think increasing the number of times `mumi send-email' retries would help? Did the email you sent using `mumi send-email' finally reach debbugs and the mumi server? How long did it take? How long do your emails typically take to reach debbugs and the mumi server? Thanks for the feedback, and happy hacking! :-) Regards, Arun [1]: I don't know the exact polling interval of this rsync. Maybe Ricardo (CCed) can clarify?