January 1, 2023 2:54 PM, "Feng Shu" <tuma...@163.com> wrote:
> Joshua Branson <jbra...@dismail.de> writes: > >> Feng Shu <tuma...@163.com> writes: >> >>> Hello: >>> >>> In 'The Perfect Setup', we suggest user to use the below emacs config: >>> >>> ``` >>> ;; Assuming the Guix checkout is in ~/src/guix. >>> (with-eval-after-load 'geiser-guile >>> (add-to-list 'geiser-guile-load-path "~/src/guix")) >>> ``` >>> >>> This config need user to deal with %load-path of guix, which seem to be >>> a hard job for new guile user for many dirs of guix and other guix channels, >>> why not suggest new user to use the below config: >> >> How about you go ahead and make a patch on guix-patc...@gnu.org, that >> way this issue is not forgotten? > > Maybe we can add an example emacs config for develop guix in etc directory. That's a good idea! I think there is/was a guix developer trying to write an emacs configuration specifically to hack on guix... > >>> ``` >>> (setq geiser-guile-binary (list "guix" "repl")) >>> ``` >>> >>> or: >>> >>> ``` >>> (setq geiser-guile-binary (list "guix" "repl" "-L" >>> "/path/to/user-own-config-dir")) >>> ``` >>> >>> when user just want to develop his own guix config, just run: >>> >>> ``` >>> emacs >>> ``` >>> >>> guix and other channels installed by 'guix pull' will be used properly. >>> >>> when user want to develop in guix.git, he just run emacs like the below: >>> >>> ``` >>> ./pre-inst-env emacs >>> ``` >>> >>> The below is my guix emacs config, seem to work: >>> >>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> >>> (require 'geiser) >>> (require 'geiser-guile) >>> (require 'guix) >>> (require 'magit) >>> >>> ;; ** My own guix config. >>> (defvar eh-geeguix-dir (expand-file-name "~/geeguix")) >>> >>> ;; ** Let geiser-guile use 'guix repl' >>> (setq geiser-guile-binary (list "guix" "repl" "-L" eh-geeguix-dir)) >>> >>> ;; ** guix-devel-mode >>> (add-hook 'scheme-mode-hook #'guix-devel-mode) >>> >>> ;; ** Get guix dir installed by 'guix pull'. >>> (defun eh-guix-dir () >>> (file-name-as-directory >>> (cl-find-if >>> (lambda (dir) >>> (file-exists-p (expand-file-name "guix.scm" dir))) >>> (directory-files >>> (expand-file-name "~/.cache/guix/checkouts/") >>> t)))) >>> >>> ;; ** copyright-update >>> (when (eh-guix-dir) >>> (let* ((dir (eh-guix-dir)) >>> (file (expand-file-name "etc/copyright.el" dir))) >>> (when (file-exists-p file) >>> (load-file file) >>> ;; (add-hook 'after-save-hook 'copyright-update) >>> (setq copyright-names-regexp >>> (format "%s <%s>" user-full-name user-mail-address))))) >>> >>> ;; ** tempel >>> (when (eh-guix-dir) >>> (let* ((dir (eh-guix-dir)) >>> (path (expand-file-name "etc/snippets/tempel/*" dir))) >>> (add-to-list 'tempel-path path))) >> >> I would also add: >> >> (add-hook! 'scheme-mode-hook #'display-fill-column-indicator-mode) >> >> This creates a vertical line that reminds you that your code should fit >> inside 80 columns. >> >> Possible also mention how to set up page break lines: >> >> https://github.com/purcell/page-break-lines > > --