September 28, 2022 2:44 PM, "Jacob Hrbek" <> wrote:

> On the subject of Tobias Geerinckx-Rice (nckx) and context to why i refuse to 
> use #guix on IRC and
> actively avoid any interection with this invidual:
> He's been harassing me since I joined guix with far-right rhetoric against me 
> and my country
> (Czechia) and trying to abuse his moderation status on IRC to threten me that 
> i either ask him for
> permission to who i am allowed to talk with and how or i get banned from the 
> IRC channel.
> During this time nckx vandalized my group 'GNU Guix Community' on libreplanet 
> created to maintain
> the community wiki on and spam-reported the wiki so 
> that it would be
> flagged for removal multiple times until miraheze fixed the issue while 
> removing any mention of the
> wiki from guix website so that it wouldn't be available to the community.
> I've reported his behaviour towards me to The GNU Project regarding 
> enforcement of safe space
> policy which was ignored so I took the IRC ban and been using matrix since.
> Thanks for your understanding,
> -- Jacob "Kreyren" Hrbek

Just to throw my two cents in.  Tobias (nckx) is probably one of the 
friendliest people
that I have ever met on irc.  He's helped me several times with various random 
issues that
I have had.  He is and has been my main source of help on #guix and other irc 
I even privately chatted to him in irc, and bared my soul once.  It was a 
pretty personal issue, and he was very kind throughout the 20+ text-based chat. 
 He then
followed up and asked how I was doing a week or two later.  As far as I can 
tell, he's 
a real stand up guy.  He probably spends his free time adopting kittens 
that have been abandoned in sub 0 blizzard weather, though that is speculation 
of course...  



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