
Olivier Dion via "Development of GNU Guix and the GNU System
distribution." <guix-devel@gnu.org> writes:


> I have the following in my .dir-locals.el for my library libpatch.  The
> idea is the same, but without direnv:
> ((nil
>   . ((eval .
>       (let ((root (locate-dominating-file
>                    default-directory ".dir-locals.el")))
>         (when root
>           (let ((real-root (directory-file-name (expand-file-name root))))
>             (setq-local geiser-guile-binary (concat real-root 
> "/.geiser-guile"))
>             (setq-local projectile-project-compilation-cmd
>                         (concat real-root "/.projectile-compile"))
>             (setq-local projectile-project-test-cmd
>                         (concat real-root "/.projectile-test")))))))))

It seems to me it'd help everyone if Geiser should handle the above by
itself.  It'd be cool to have the above functionality merged into Geiser
itelf.  Just saying; thank you for sharing!


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