I agree that we should better document that policy. I think we could go 
further, but it's ok to document the common denominator first. To me, the 
structure you suggest is not great, but I don't have issues with the content.

Le 25 juillet 2022 13:18:28 GMT+02:00, Maxime Devos <maximede...@telenet.be> a 
écrit :
>On 25-07-2022 07:21, Julien Lepiller wrote:
>> I don't like the wording at all. You're mixing too many things together.
>Feel free to try to separate the things, but going previous discussions, many 
>tings are important, and they appear all to be inseparable.
>> I think it would be better to first document the guiding principles (eg. the 
>> goal that there are no non-free software in Guix, going for the simplest 
>> thing, etc) and then derive rules for specific cases, based on these 
>> principles:
>> How do I remove non-free software? -> snippet because …
>> How do I remove bundled libraries? -> snippet or phase because …
>> How do I fix a build issue? -> patch or snippet if this affects building 
>> from source, can also be a phase if the result of --sources can still build
>> A test issue?
>> …
>> This leaves some cases up to interpretation, but that's probably not so 
>> different from "it's not an absolute rule". It's also much clearer and 
>> quicker to figure out in which case you are. If not documented as a case, 
>> you can fall back to the general principles.
>TBC, is the issue here the structure of the section, or some individual rules? 
>In the former case, I could try rewriting it a bit to follow your proposed 

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