July 14, 2022 9:06 AM, "zimoun" <zimon.touto...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Tobias, All,
> (French Bastille Day is a day off, so a day for trolling. ;-))
> On Thu, 14 Jul 2022 at 10:40, Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <m...@tobias.gr> wrote:
>> https://www.hyperbola.info/news/announcing-hyperbolabsd-roadmap
> Thanks for the link. It is helpful for understanding. :-)
>> Far from 'recent' in my book.
> Indeed, the announcement is from 2019-12-21. :-)
> Quoting:
> This will not be a "distro", but a hard fork of the OpenBSD
> kernel and userspace
> Not being a new distro means using the venerable pkg_* package manager,
> right? Well, I am confused by the aim…

They want to use pacman apparently.  :)

>>> If you run OpenBSD kernel and OpenBSD userland, why not just run an
>>> OpenBSD system? :-)
>> Because it contains blobs. HyperbolaBSD doesn't, by definition (see above).
> …because HyperboladBSD seems a new distro as gnewSense is a new distro
> free from problematic parts but based on an existing other one. Well,
> since it had been announced on late 2019 and we are in 2022, it could be
> interesting to know the status on this project.
>> Whatever my opinion on WSL, Darwin, and the Hurd, I must concede that they 
>> at least exist.
>> Porting Guix to something that doesn't is a poor investment in comparison.
> Just to be sure to understand, the initial question is to port Guix to
> HyperbolaBSD which is a variant of OpenBSD (kernel and userland).
> Therefore, correct me if I misunderstand something, it means:
> 1. port Guix to a new kernel not using the GLibc
> 2. package all the (free) userland OpenBSD managed by Guix
> Bah I wish all the best for people who would tackle this. :-)
> Well, dreaming about science fiction,

Thanks for speaking plainly.  I did not realize how difficult this project
would be.  :)

> it appears me more approachable to
> have Guix running on something as Debian/kfreeBSD – it could be an
> interesting project with the help of Debian folks. Other said, “just”
> replace the Linux kernel by a variant of the FreeBSD one running with
> GNU GLibc.
> However, doing so, the point #2 (BSD userland) is lost.
> My understanding is: #1 and #2 require more work than the union of the
> Guix community *and* the other kernel community could provide, IMHO.
> Assuming both communities would be interested in. :-)
> Cheers,
> simon

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