
Tanguy LE CARROUR <tan...@bioneland.org> skribis:

> Oh… thank you so much for your answer! Looks like the proper way to go!
> I'll try to update GnuPG package definition to integrate one or several
> of those patches.
> Or maybe we should first figure out it this is the right thing to do?!
> Guix, thoughts!?

I have mixed feelings about applying the patch, dunno.

While discussing this on the Fediverse, I learned two things:

  1. keyserver.ubuntu.com is a reliable key server that includes user
     IDs, so it’s a good choice for ‘guix refresh’ and similar uses;

  2. keys.openpgp.org publishes users IDs if you explicitly consent to
     do so via the web interface at <https://keys.openpgp.org/upload>;
     that doesn’t help much for the ‘guix refresh’ use case though.


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