
Jan Nieuwenhuizen <jann...@gnu.org> skribis:

> Mes has now been ported to M2-Planet and can be bootstrapped using
> stage0-posix[0], starting from the 357-byte hex0 binary of the
> bootstrap-seeds[1], as was promised at FOSDEM'21[2].

This is amazing… congrats to you & everyone involved!  You made it!  :-)

The ability to build literally everything from source, with reproducible
builds, is a game changer IMO when it comes to supply chain security.

The common objection is: “you’re building from source but you’re not
gonna audit all that source code anyway, so why bother?”  I think it’s
akin to security by obscurity.  That we collectively can and do fiddle
with all this code makes a practical difference; that this is all
transparent means that backdoors become harder to hide.

Supply chain security is a spectrum and I think this achievement changes
what we can expect and demand.


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