
2 years ago, I joined meet.coop , a video conference service cooperative and 
explored the business potential in Japan.

The coop hosted BBB but the gap I discovered was that the potential customers 
in Japan would not be interested unless the service is customized to their 
exact needs - otherwise they preferred Zoom and Google meet.

So ability to to take the video conference service into minimalist components 
and then reassembling  is very important 😄



> On Apr 2, 2022, at 03:59, jbra...@dismail.de wrote:
> March 31, 2022 7:53 PM, "Yasuaki Kudo" <y...@yasuaki.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> From time to time, I think about audio/video mixer (.i.e. video conference 
>> software like BBB or
>> Jitsi) , with the intension of making it highly modular that it can be 
>> freely remixed and
>> reinvented by volunteer participants.
>> Is anyone interested? Or is can you think about something that already 
>> exists?
> Your proposal sounds a little vague.  What are you hoping to accomplish that 
> BBB or Jitsi 
> does not already do?
>> Cheers,
>> Yasu

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