
Maxime Devos <maximede...@telenet.be> skribis:

> zimoun schreef op do 03-02-2022 om 03:19 [+0100]:
>> The issue is because concurrency.  If two time-machines are run
>> concurrently, they both update ~/.cache/guix/checkouts/ and the end
>> result is hard to predict.

Ah, glad you found out the culprit!

> FWIW it's a known issue but I can't find it on issues.guix.gnu.org.
> The (unimplemented) fix is to use worktrees, or don't checkout and use
> the libgit2 / (guix git) equivalent of
> "git show 46fc72b2bfee2a30a3c3f3320e7d84b4b2fd646e some-file".

Hmm I cannot find it either.  But yeah, probably better than worktrees
would be reading blobs directly off Git.


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