
zimoun <zimon.touto...@gmail.com> skribis:

> On Wed, 24 Nov 2021 at 13:10, Ricardo Wurmus <rek...@elephly.net> wrote:
>> The build phases that patch out these features would have to check 
>> for that build system option, much like they check the TESTS? 
>> option before attempting to run tests.
> Then it could be a transformation.   The idea sounds good to me.

I’ve been working on it last week with my HPC hat on.

To be clear, I think in may cases, passing ‘-march’ like you suggest is
the wrong approach; instead software should use (and usually does use)
function multi-versioning:


I found one case though where this is not possible: C++ header-only
libraries such as Eigen contain hand-optimized vectorized routines,
selected at build time, but we end up compiling Eigen users as the
x86_64/AArch64 baseline, which is a waste.  (If you do know of other
problematic cases, I’m interested in taking a look!)

My solution to that is “package multi-versioning” via a transformation
option.  Hopefully I’ll submit preliminary patches within a week or so!


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