> Your Pokémon analogy is extremely flawed.  The same CPU at a different 
> clockrate does not perform the same task in the same amount of cycles [1, 2]. 
> -- lily

The theory is that the measurements could be taken after X amount of time to 
adjust the DPS that the CPU does to the package to get the build time, See 
'theory for real time measurements' in 

using the previous theory using the reproduction build with limited system 
resources to define the package complexity and to provide coordinates for XY 
plane this could each be define per variable that influences the build and then 
define the relation to determine the DPS which so far seem as the most accurate 
in my testing, but I am still experimenting with it

Base damage: 1
- CPU at 1 Ghz -> Multiplier 0.24
- CPU at 2 Ghz -> Multiplier 0.31

But the current question should be: Do we want these timers implemented 
assuming that it can be done without overhead and in a cheap way? and if so how 
do we want to store and redistribute the logged data as those have a major 
impact on the calculation and methods used.

-- Jacob "Kreyren" Hrbek

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

On Tuesday, November 23rd, 2021 at 8:09 PM, Liliana Marie Prikler 
<liliana.prik...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Am Montag, den 22.11.2021, 22:02 +0000 schrieb Jacob Hrbek:

> > See the proposal in https://git.dotya.ml/guix.next/GUIX.next/issues/5
> > 

> > -- Jacob "Kreyren" Hrbek
> > 

> > Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

> Your Pokémon analogy is extremely flawed. The same CPU at a different

> clockrate does not perform the same task in the same amount of cycles

> [1, 2].

> [1] Kotla, Ramakrishna & Devgan, Anirudh & Ghiasi, Soraya & Keller, Tom

> & Rawson, Freeman. (2004). Characterizing the impact of different

> memory-intensity levels. 3 - 10. 10.1109/WWC.2004.1437388.

> [2] Snowdon, David & Sueur, Etienne & Petters, Stefan & Heiser, Gernot.

> (2009). Koala a platform for OS-level power management. Proceedings of

> the 4th ACM European Conference on Computer Systems, EuroSys'09. 289-

> 302. 10.1145/1519065.1519097.

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