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Hi Guix,
I want to wholly support your suggestion. I have been wondering from
the getgo why enabling multiple user profiles felt so hacky to begin
with -- and guix home seems like a perfect candidate to do the extra
Unfortunately, I am not on the techy side of things, which is why I
can't make a statement on the implementability of your suggestion or how
this might affect guix' performance as package manager on other distros
(zimoun's comment). All I can say is that I would really welcome such a
development and think that guix home is the place where such a feature
should be implemented in (judging from what I know).
I'm not sure if this belongs to guix-devel or the guix issue tracker,
but I was unable to make multiple profiles work with guix home. I tried
two scenarios:
1) (local-file ...) my old .bash_profile, which featured the cookbooks'
for loop for loading the profiles.
2) (plain-file ...) a new .bash_profile, which contained
scheme-generated strings "manually" sourcing each individual profile.
Both scenarios didn't work. Upon starting the machine, neither of my
profiles' packages are visible. It is necessary to manually source the
profiles to make said packages visible.
I've written a reddit-post about it, where I explain some stuff in more
detail in case that's relevant. You can find the post here:
I hope that this will work and that I have not unknowingly overstepped
etiquette somewhere. If so, feel free to point me to it :)
Have a good day, fellows :)
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