Hi Simon,

Simon Streit <si...@netpanic.org> skribis:

> I am happy to announce the development of a Samba service for Guix.
> Currently I am attending a technical college for informatics where I am
> working on my final thesis that is due to be completed by February
> next year.


> Hence I have already proposed to develop and document the process
> extending Guix.  So far I have managed to write a service that can
> control nmbd, smbd and winbindd with default configuration options
> provided by [1].  I have attached said service.  It is not intended for
> production use yet, and needs to be extended to make more use of Samba's
> capabilities.

Looks like a good start already.

I would suggest working on the various services one at a time, and
keeping the history in your Git repo, so you can eventually post
reasonably small patches adding only one service, if possible.

If would be great if you could write system tests for that.  It’s not
really documented (ahem…) but there are lots of examples to draw
inspiration from under gnu/tests.  See:


Happy hacking!


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