
Nathan Benedetto Proença <nat...@vieiraproenca.com> skribis:

> Is it a good idea to exploit Guix hashing infrastructure to ensure that
> a Scheme refactoring did not change the packages produced?
> Has some developer already done that?
> Are there another tools and techniques I should be aware of?
> As I said in the other email I sent to the mailing list, I am interested
> in upgrading the texlive package in tex.scm.
> Depending on what you teach me there, a solution could involve changing
> more than 100+ places where the origin of packages is specified.
> Without proper tooling, this can demand a whole lot of developer time
> --- be it my time, or other contributors time.
> Would this imply more than 100+ patches submitted and reviewed, and
> perhaps in an alternative branch which core developers would have to
> maintain?
> Then I noticed I could use the hashes for the packages produced as a
> test of whether my refactor was satisfactory or not.

I’m not sure I fully understand the use case.  If you’re changing the
way a package is produced, but you know that it should be a “silent
change” (i.e., not involving a rebuild of that package), you can check
that the derivation for the package remains unchanged by running:

  ./pre-inst-env guix build texlive --no-grafts -d

before and after the change.

If you’re changing origins, for example from one URL to another, the
.drv will be different but the package won’t need to be rebuilt.



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