Bone Baboon writes:

> This is an article from Hyperbola about the Rust trademark. It claims
> that Rust has a freedom issue.
> <>
> I searched for this in the Guix bug and devel mailing list archive but
> did not see it.
> I would like to know how others interpret this claim of Rust having a
> freedom issue.
> # Linux-libre
> If Rust does have a freedom issue then there is potential that it could
> have an impact on Linux-libre.  Recently there was a RFC for adding
> support for Rust to the Linux kernel
> <>.  Linus Torvalds's response is
> here <>.
> # Responses on Freenode
> I asked about Hyperbola's claim of a Rust freedom issue on
> and these were some of the responses I
> received.  However it appears that the core of Hyperbola's claim
> remains unaddressed by these responses.
> "<SpaceManiac> the trademarks are now owned by the Rust Foundation
> rather than Mozilla, but the Rust Media Guide has not been updated to
> reflect this"
> "<lifeless> bone-baboon:
> is closed by";
> "<lifeless> bone-baboon: whether you consider is a freedom issue or not
> is a matter of viewpoint - debian doesn't seem to care at this point,
> shows no bugs open related to trademarks"

I asked about this on #hyperbola@Freenode.  I was told that it is still
an issue and this link was shared:

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