
Julien Lepiller <jul...@lepiller.eu> skribis:

> I think the best way to bootstrap would be to reimplement Scala in another 
> language. I tried that too, but even the parser is crazy.

Could you share a link to that so everyone realizes just how far you
went?  :-)

That OCaml now has a clean bootstrapping story can hopefully give GHC
and Scala folks an incentive to catch up.

How about writing a blog post?  Ricardo and you could summarize your
heroic efforts, like Ricardo did for GHC (and it’d be a truly
interesting read I’m sure, both for those interested in Scala’s history
and for those interested in compilers).  And in conclusion, you could
say: “Look, a major competitor is doing it right.”  :-)

(And in the meantime, I fully appreciate that when you say it’s maybe
time to give up, it probably *is* time.)


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