
Cbaines already runs automated patch testing infra at 
https://data.guix-patches.cbaines.net/ and 

Considering that posting robot messages with test/lint/+ result
information on the issues directly and on the ML might get spammy, I
suggest that Cbaines could setup something that sends off-list to all
the participants or just the poster of the patch being tested, as well
as another list like guix-ci-...@cbaines.net that reviewers could
voluntarily subscribe to to receive all those off-list messages.

Another suggestion is that the infrastructure by Cbaines could include
an easy way to lookup CI information from a bug id and that a link to
see such CI information could be linked to from Mumi's
(issues.gnu.guix.org) UI. But I also really think that mailing the
contributors privately is very important so they can get automated
feedback and save us time without any additional setup or knowledge

What do you think?

I think it's really important that we move forward on this topic where
honestly lots of things have been achieved especially by Cbaines but
with poor visibility so no actual usage to aid the review process when
we would crucially need such help.

Thank you!


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