
Ryan Prior <ryanpr...@hey.com> skribis:

> I don't think there's much drawback to having both the auto-generated
> files and a command that generates them. That seems more discoverable -
> you might happen across the files when you poke into a profile, or you
> might notice the command while reading the docs or the help output.

Note that the ‘manifest’ file starts with a comment.  This patch set
updates this comment so it mentions ‘--export-channels’.

> Glad to see this capability land any which way, this is something that
> comes up often!

Heh, good.  :-)

> While we're considering putting a manifest in the profile, is this a
> good time to also bring up the idea of renaming the "manifest" file? It
> confuses more people all the time. I'd be inclined to rename it
> "profile-metadata" or "lockfile". 

It’s the kind of thing that can’t really be changed, or at least not
without a looong transition period, because older ‘guix package’
commands wouldn’t recognize profiles that lack a ‘manifest’ file.

Thanks for your feedback,

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