
On Sun, 15 Nov 2020 at 21:46, Danny Milosavljevic <> 

> * Enable/disable building the documentation.  I really don't need a 40 MiB
> manual stored onto a 16 MiB firmware flash chip.  If that's better done as an
> extra output, fair enough.

Related (I hope) is: build packages with several outputs.  For instance,
’git’ has several 'outputs' ("send-email", "svn", etc.), so the list of
"inputs" provides e.g., "subversion" even if I am only interested by
e.g., "git:send-email".  This matters about closure.

And it is maybe an occasion to revisit the museum, i.e., the TODO file:

** extend ‘propagated-build-inputs’ with support for multiple outputs

#+BEGIN_SRC scheme
  (outputs '("out" "include"))
    `(((("i1" ,p1 "o1")
        ("i2" ,p2))
       => "include")
      ("i3" ,p3)))

For one reference:


All the best,

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