Leo Prikler writes:

> For the record, what you do want is something à la
> (call-in-container-environment THUNK MANIFEST . KWARGS)
> where manifest is the Guix environment manifest, THUNK is a procedure
> to call with 0 arguments and KWARGS is a list of options for things you
> might want to set up, e.g. just the GUIX_ENVIRONMENT variable or more
> than that.
> Is that about right?
> Regards, Leo

Yes, that's what I want. KWARGS may accept something like user-mappings,
network?, namepsaces etc. like `launch-environment/container`. So I can
create container entry script for different executable in batch with
more confidence in code reuse. It's ugly to 
concatenate string argument (For example: `(string-append "--expose="
xxxx "=" yyy)`) when I want to reuse some path variable.

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