Hi Mathieu,

Thanks for getting back to me!

Mathieu Othacehe <m.othac...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hello Alex,
> Thanks for your feedback!
>> Then the screen flashes back to the beginning of the installer.  Running
>> through the process again results in the disk drive not being available
>> for partitioning.
> Are you running the installer on a VM or on real hardware?

Real hardware.

> Could you try the following steps:
> * Run the installation until it fails and restart.
> * Press Ctrl-Alt-2.
> * Type "sendkey ctrl-alt-f3".
> * Then press Ctrl-Alt-1 and Enter.
> * Check if there is a /tmp/last-installer-error file and, if yes, report
> its content.

This I could not do: Ctrl-Alt-2 doesn't do anything, but I imagine you
meant Ctrl-Alt-f2?  That takes me to the manual.

However, once the installer reloads, I can hit Ctrl-Alt-f3 and Enter to
get to a prompt.

There is no /tmp/last-installer-error file :-(

I did check /var/log/debug.  There I can trace the configuration

After "running form #<newt-form b7d4c0> ("Configuration file") with 0
clients" I get:
…Service cow-store has been started.
…Service cow-store has been stopped.
…Service guix-daemon has been stopped.
…Service guix-daemon has been started.
…Umounted /remove successfully.
…unmounting "/mnt"
…closing LUKS entry "cryptroot"
…running step 'locale'

The last presumably is the installer restarting.



> Thanks,
> Mathieu

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